Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ending June Market

Shopping at your local farmers's market means having the opportunity to know more about where your food comes from and how it is handled.

If you care about the health of your family and for the food you offer them to support that healthy desire, then your local farmers' market is your answer.

Learn more about your food.

Eat healthy and be happy,

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How Sweet it is Cooking With Sweet Peppers

Hello Fellow Foodies,

I have mentioned that on more than one occasion, I fall asleep at night thinking of a recipe or perhaps a cooking technique. The following recipe is a perfect example. I had a bag of mini sweet peppers hanging around in my refrigerator and wanted to do something unique, yet with a comfort food appeal. Then it came to me, what if roasted them and threw my conventional approach to making chili out the window? I was pleased with the results, which were a little on the sweet side. I brought a bowl over to share with a neighbor to get her opinion, and for while there things were not pretty. Spoons were flying to get the next bite. So here's how it went down......

I took one dozen mini sweet peppers and coated them lightly with olive oil, then roasted them at 400 until tender and slightly charred. When they had cooled, I put them in a blender with 3 uncooked mini sweet peppers, 3 cups of beef stock, and 1 cup of chicken stock. I gave it a good whiz until it was pureed. Once pureed, I put if through a fine strainer and wound up with 2 1/2 cups of delicious roasted sweet peppers. Now for the recipe:

21/2 cups pureed mini sweet peppers

3 cups beef stock

3 15oz cans black beans, slightly drained

1 6oz can tomato paste

2 Tbsp ground chile pepper

2 tsp ground oregano

2 tsp ground garlic powder

2 Tbsp ground onion powder

a pinch of chipotle pepper

S & P to taste

2 lbs ground beef

In a large pot I combined the first ten ingredients. Allowed it to come to a simmer and then added the ground beef. I let the meat cook at a slow simmer for just about an hour. I tested for salt content and enjoyed a bowl.

There is nothing to say that you couldn't add heat in multiple forms if that is your preference.
  • jalapenos

  • roasted green chiles

  • Cayenne pepper

  • hot sauce

These are just to name a few. If you do choose to use this pepper puree method, expect to denote some sweetness in this recipe.

Until next time,
Eat healthy and be happy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Are In Full Swing At Kootenai County Farmers' Market

Hello Fellow Foodies,

Well, I think we are finally getting there. The beautiful abundance of fresh produce this past week was too exciting for this foodie to say the very least. The stands are holding delicious items we have not yet seen.

Colorful organic strawberries and apricots that are hard to find blemishes. There were also cherries, and some of the healthiest looking snap peas... It seems every produce stand is an absolute feast for the senses.

Your favorite flower and starter plant is probably still available. All except, I am sad to say, with warmer weather comes the end of that spectacular asparagus we were blessed with this year.

Speaking of weather, I want to send a reminder out there to all those who enjoy the fruits of our farmers' labor - they had a long hard winter, and having that followed up with all those harsh storms with hail and heavy rain we have had recently, make their job even harder. So many of these wonderful people rely on what they make every week for their livelihood. That is why you see the kind of dedication we do at the Kootenai County Farmers' Market.
I have the best the best job. I get to spend time getting to know these hardworking people, and sometimes if I am on my best behavior, they share secrets with me. So don't be afraid to share a few words as you are making your purchases! A word of appreciation goes a long way.

I can't wait to see what next week holds for us.

Until next time,

Eat healthy and be happy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Manly Candles and American Lamb

The boys have spoken, they want manly gifts. Enough with the girly sweet aromas. Give the manly candles a whiff and you know you've got a good gift for a man - I mean "New Truck" scent..."Hunter's Camp"? Go get em!

Did you know the lamb you buy at the store was not American grown? Why wouldn't you want to buy American grown?

Your local farmers' market has it all. Get on down.

Eat healthy and be happy,

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Diversity in Vendors Keep Customers Coming to Market

A farmers' market is after all about the farm. But truth be known, if you took away the crafts you probably wouldn't have a market that brought out the diversity of customers that a market with a variety of vendors, that appeal to the many, draws.

High quality, creative crafts are as much a staple at market as the organic farmers. Each has its place in supporting the community. And each needs the support of that community.

In this weeks Foodie Fanatic with the Farmers we look at the organic farmer and crafter and recognize the value of each as they fill a role in the weekly event we call The Kootenai County Farmers' Market.

Come out and meet the dedicated vendors at your local farmers' market. Recognize how the market adds to your quality of life in North Idaho or where ever you live.

Until next time.

Eat healthy and be happy.

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

Saturday, June 13, 2009

They're HERE! The Peonies are FINALLY HERE!

Hello Fellow Foodies,

I had a great morning at the Kootenai County Farmers' Market today. I visited with some vendors I know from past interviews and made some new friends. All in all, as usual, I had a wonderful time. I really can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning. I come home with all kinds of food treasures and cook in the afternoon! Oh, by the way, the Market has a new Weekly Update Newsletter available you should sign up for. Catch the link here.

Today I received a gift from Pat at Howling Hills Organic Farm (named for the Howling Malmutes). She was gracious enough to give me a bag of edible flowers to use in one of my unique recipes. Thank you Pat. Wish you were here to enjoy.

Normally you would be reading about some delicious food or cooking method but the peonies have finally arrived! They have got to be one of the most sppectacular flowers known to man.

I talked to Mike with MRM FLOWERS. He and his wife Renee have been growing peonies for about 5 years, and WOW do they grow some beautiful flowers. We had to wait a little longer this year due to the extended cold temperatures but they are in full force now. Their display of color was dazzling, and Mike said they have five colors that still have not bloomed yet. Not only that, but he told me he has at least 30,000 buds yet to open, that's right 30,000! I purchased one bundle of 10 stems for $9.00, the going rate in California is $35.00! Now aren't you glad you live in Northern Idaho? Once they have harvested all their flowers, Mike and Renee Mejie disappear until the latter part of the market season when they return to sell bare roots. If you are a flower lover, get to the market and see for yourself. I would be willing to bet it would be hard for you to walk away without a bundle. Thank you Mike and Renee for your dedication and passion!

Until next time,

Eat healthy and be happy!

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hello Fellow Foodies,

I have been prepping food for a cookbook and it occurred to me that maybe I am using culinary terms that I should talk about.

Today I am going to share about the french term CHIFFONADE. The term means to roll fresh herbs and slice thin ribbons. The herbs are delicate and do not need to be chopped finely. Therefore, you treat them delicately and add them at the very end of the cooking process. They are also used for a garnish. I feel that you get more flavor out of these particular herbs with the least amount of processing. It makes for a beautiful presentation, and you get more of the true essence of the fresh herbs. If your goal was to make a pesto in a food processor, then finely chopping them brings out an entirely different and equally satisfying result.

Speaking of pesto, this is the season to grow and enjoy. There are a few methods of procuring and storing this gem for the winter months. You always want to pick your fresh herbs before they go to seed. Going to seed sends a message to the plant that it is done producing, we don't want that. So you can pinch your herbs and use a food processor with olive oil, or just simply the herb and make a puree of sorts. The next step is to freeze them in ice cube trays.

Once frozen, put them in a freezer bag, and you have usable portions for the cold months. Smart planning and a little effort will keep you from paying too much for too little coming from who knows where.

Until next time,

Eat healthy and be happy!

Vendors, old and new, add value to the Farmers' Market

There are vendors at the market that are the cornerstone of the Kootenai County Farmers' Market because they have been there, every Saturday, for over 23 years. Gosh, can you wrap your head around that. Would you say that these people are dedicated to their business, their customers, and to the market? I know I sure would. That's almost a quarter of a century. When you put it in that perspective it sort of makes you want to get out and see what these folks have that keep them coming back year after year.

But the market is about more that the tried and true, it's about the new too. New vendors bring with them new customers and perhaps the new farmers will inspire a new generation of cornerstones for the market.

This weeks video visits the old and the new, farmers and crafter alike. A market is about more than the product. It's the people's heart that gets them up day after day to produce the product and get it to market for you, the customer.

Get out and shop at your local farmers' market. You will be glad you did. Meet the people that grow the food, that create the crafts.

Until next time,

Eat well and be happy.

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Market Treasures

Hello Fellow Foodies,

Did I ever score some of the most delicious Cherry Heirloom tomatoes. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Whichever type you choose, is like popping a piece of candy in your mouth. I have what is left sitting in a bowl on the counter and that in itself is a feast for the eyes. I purchased them from Jerry at Deerfield Farms in Sandpoint, ID.

If you haven't yet, check in on the fourth addition of The Foodie Fanatic with the Farmers. I enjoyed a great conversation with Jerry and his daughter Patricia, who was by the way, sitting eating an organic tomato like an apple. A girl after my own heart.

I learned quite a bit and look forward to a trip north for a visit to see first hand how the pros go green and organic and have success. How could something so beautiful and fantastically tasty not inspire a recipe.........

This is a basic concept to follow and adjust to your taste.

For the dressing or base:

1/2 cup sour cream (use yogurt if you like)
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup feta cheese-crumbled ( you pick the flavor)
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
pinch of organic sugar ( if possible)
Salt & Fresh cracked black pepper

Incorporate all ingredients well, cover, and refrigerate while prepping the vegetables.

One cucumber - peeled, seeded, and diced or sliced
1/2 cup black olives sliced in half
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
1 pint cherry heirloom tomatoes sliced in half depending on the size

Combine all ingredients together adding the tomatoes last, gently. If you happen to have some fresh basil, chop a little for fresh summer flavor.

Sit back with a glass of iced tea and enjoy!

Until next time,

Eat Well and Be Happy!

The Healthy Foodie Fanatic