Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Did You Know?

Hello Fellow Foodies,

I was thinking about vegetables and how many we seem to be required to eat EVERYDAY. I started to get curious about the nutritional value of some of my favorites.

Here comes the did you know portion for today.

If you need more vitamin c (and who doesn't) then enjoy some cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, and that curious veggie, Brussels sprouts. This is by no means the entire list, but one bell pepper contains more vitamin c than an orange. Who knew?

If vitamin A is lacking in your diet then serve up some acorn or butternut squash, or perhaps some carrots. The vegetables I have mentioned are all very high in these vitamins but does not negate all the others in the produce arena.

Here are just a few storage tips:

    And my personal favorites...

  • Apples actually emit a gas and should be store above others (I keep mine out of the refrigerator).

  • Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator deteriorates their nutritional value.

  • The best way to get the most out of your asparagus and broccoli is to place them in a bowl or container with a small amount of water until you're ready to eat them. If you don't use them for a day or so, give a slight slice to the bottom of the veggie so it does not get water logged. If using right away, on the counter is ok, otherwise the fridge is the way to go.

    I have been busy learning many helpful tricks of the trade the last few days and have some delicious recipes to share with you in the near future.

    Until the next time,

    Eat healthy and be happy!

    The Healthy Foodie Fanatic

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